It is time to move on!

The train scheduled to arrive at 8:21 a.m. will be arriving ten minutes late. I heard heavy sighs from the people who were next to me. “Oh, fuck! ” someone exclaimed. I looked around and saw a young woman pacing the platform. She was upset by the announcement, and she vigorously tapped the keys on her phone and placed it up to her ear. And I listened to a onesided conversation.
“Hey, beau.”
“Guess what?”
“That fucking train is late again. I cannot deal with this shit.”
“No, I cannot take an uber; it will be mad expensive.”
“I have been late every day. They are gonna fire my ass for sure, but I don’t give a fuck!”
“Beau, you don’t understand… yes,” she listened.
“Beau. I do not want to be there anymore. The people there are as fake as my earrings.” Her hand showcased her dangled ornament.
I chuckled to myself.
“Come on, beau. I have told you all the stories. You know what is going on there.” She leaned on the metal column that supported the platform’s roof. The horn from a train blared as it sped by on the opposite track.
“I do not want to be there anymore. Yes, beau, five years, but…,” she listened and listened, nodding her head occasionally.
My phone rang, and it was my beau. The train came and we all got on, but the young lady went to another car.

If you are at a point in your relationship, whatever it is, in this case, coworkers (based on what I’ve heard) and you are at the point where you do not want to be around the people you spend at least half of your awake time with, then it is time to get another job.
It is okay to find somewhere else to work where you can be comfortable. Sometimes money is not the answer, but a factor nonetheless. When you have peace of mind, it can be satisfying, and you give your best to the relationship to see it succeed.

In my opinion, here are five signs that it is time to move on to another employer.

  • When you continually complain about the job – unhappy
  • When you do not want to be there anymore – miserable
  • When you know that you are worth more than they offer – offended
  • When you do not care about getting fired or being late for work – no interest
  • When you get to that point where you’ve had enough – tired/fed up

If you are experiencing more than two of the five signs, then it is time to find another job.

Okay, I said it!

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