Cry me a river.

So many nights, I listened to your muffled cries from the other side of the wall because he hurt you. I wanted to run to rescue you from your miserale situation, but with apprehension, I sunk into the mattress. Like quicksand, it held my body restrained encased like a boa constrictor; I could not move to save you.

I loved you from the first time we met in the housing management office. Your smile and languid personality warmed my heart. Not to mention your beautiful face; which I saw in my dreams many nights. Being roommates placed your issues by my door. I could hear your onesided conversations fallen of the deaf ears of the man you claimed to love.

He doesn’t deserve your love. How could you let him handle your heart so carelessly? How could you childishly believed in his disregarded spiral of deceptions? Yet each morning you woke with renewed faith, renewed hope, forgiveness overloaded to dispersed so generously to an undeserving prick like him.

If you only knew how much I cared about you. If you only knew how I admired your resiliant nature and your dedication to you son’s needs to by all means necessary, even at your own happiness, provided him with a father’s interaction. But I saw him as only a sperm donor, unfit to be called, “dad.” I despised him or was it jealousy?

I cherished every moment we shared in laughter or disagreements. Your demeanor drew my countenance to yours like a magnet, powerfully charged by your invisible electroids. However, the thin walls that separated us, bound my wits to the bed. I wanted to wipe away your tears.

I could give you peace. I could give you my promise to honor and cherish you, until death do us part; but you have no eyes to see me. The tears that should wash away the obstructions of matter and brought some clarity to your existence to see that I existed, only gave you renewed hope to try with him, again.

One more chance to a looser who doesn’t deserve your attention and time. Yet, you contined to be disappointed in his and your actions. He will always treat you the way you accept him to treat you.

I covered my head with the pillow to drown out her despair. “Stop crying!” I shouted in my mind telepathically channeling my thoughtss to yours. “Can’t you feel it?” I hoped you’d feel the power of my attractions and allow me to rescue you from yourself; no from him.

Cry me a river and wash away the lodged debris that hindered your vision and cleared a path for your freedom of him and flourished growth of self confidence to move away from such toxic relationship.

You have cried enough. Dry your tears. I have a judgement free mentality and await your realization that I will be here for you. Whenever you’re ready … whenever you’re ready. I lingered on the other side waiting for you. I love you.


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